📣The October 18th release is out!Read the release notes

    The fullstack database.

    Triplit is an open-source database that syncs data between server and browser in real-time.

    npm create triplit-app@latest

    Live updating queries

    Triplit's queries are reactive by default, so you can build apps that update in real-time without any extra work.
    Automatic caching and syncing on the client
    Full relational support for querying connected data
    Typescript support for all data returned from queries
    React Hooks to subscribe to queries in your UI
    Learn more
    import { useQuery } from "@triplit/react"
    import { client } from "@/lib/triplit"
    export function useMessages(convoId: string) {
      const deliveredMessagesQuery = client
        .where("conversationId", "=", convoId)
        .order("created_at", "DESC")
      const {
        results: messages,
      } = useQuery(client, deliveredMessagesQuery)
    Triplit would be [...] your MongoDB or MySQL, but it’s also your Drizzle, your schema definition and query language. But then it’s also your Tanstack query which you use on the client side. It’s everything.
    Wes Bos picture
    Wes Bos
    Syntax Podcast

    Zero downtime

    Let your users keep working even when their network connection isn't.
    Durable storage to ensure no edits are lost
    Retry and reconnect seamlessly restarts syncing
    Conflict resolution algorithms automatically handle concurrent edits
    Learn more
    After a thorough evaluation of similar tools, we decided on Triplit as a key technology in a technically demanding client project and haven’t looked back since! Triplit has allowed us to move faster than ever when it comes to reliably syncing data between many users while keeping every interaction fast, even when users don’t have good connections. We are looking forward to using it in future projects.
    Alex Davis picture
    Alex Davis

    Code first schemas

    Write your schemas in Typescript instead of config files or split across a dozen SQL files.
    Automatic migrations generated from your edits
    Type hinting in your editor
    Data validation at runtime on client and server
    Learn more
    import { Schema as S } from "@triplit/db";
    export const schema = {
      todos: {
        schema: S.Schema({
          completed: S.Boolean(),
          created_at: S.String({ 
            default: S.Default.now()
          id: S.String({ 
            nullable: false, 
            default: S.Default.uuid()
          listId: S.String({ nullable: true }),
          text: S.String(),
    I've been using Triplit on my React native app for a while and it works great. Highly recommend. It's the only local-first database that hits these points for me: 1) Good and sane query language (not SQL). 2) Great typescript support. 3) Offline support. The cherry on top is that it's open-source and self-hostable.
    Tanishq Kancharla picture
    Tanishq Kancharla
    Software Engineer

    Complete data management

    A full-featured database console for inspecting your data and schemas means you have all the control you'd expect from a production-ready database.
    Triplit directly integrates with your UI framework
    With first party support for React, and many more coming soon
    With features rarely found in a traditional database
    Relational, live, embedded, and open-source
    Runs on client
    Live queries
    Conflict Resolution
    What people are saying about Triplit
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