

To specify which attributes you want to return, you can use the select method. This method accepts a list of attribute names for the collection as arguments.

const query = client.query('users').select(['id', 'name', 'email', 'dob']);

If the type you are selecting is a record, you may also select a specific attribute of the record by using dot notation. The result will be an object with just the selected keys.

const query = client
  .select(['id', 'address.street', '']);
// {id: 'abc', address: {street: '123 Main St', city: 'New York'}}

If you do not call select on a query, all attributes are selected.

Selecting related entities

If you have defined a relation in your schema using RelationById, RelationOne, or RelationMany, you can choose to select entities defined by the relation in a query.

For example, the following schema defines a relation between users and messages

const schema = {
  users: S.Schema({
    id: S.Id(),
    name: S.Id(),
    email: S.String(),
  messages: S.Schema({
    id: S.Id(),
    text: S.String(),
    sender_id: S.String(),
    sender: S.RelationById('users', '$sender_id'),

By default, a query on messages will not include the sender as an attribute. To include the sender, use the include method in the query builder.

const query = client.query('messages').include('sender');
  id: '1',
  text: 'hello world!',
  sender_id: 'bob',
  sender: { id: 'bob', name: 'Bob Jones', email: '' },