

To define a relationship between two collections, you define a subquery that describes the relationship with RelationMany, RelationOne or RelationById. while RelationOne and RelationById are designed for singleton relations and will be directly nested or a sub-object or null if an applicable entity doesn't exist. Within a relation, either in a where clause or the RelationById id, parameter, you can reference the current collection's attributes with $.


A RelationMany attribute will be in the shape Map<string, Entity>. It's designed to model a one-to-many relationship between two collections. The RelationMany attribute will be a map of the related entities keyed by their id. If no related entities are found, the attribute will be an empty map.

In this example schema, we are modeling a school, where departments have many classes. The departments collection has a classes attribute that is a RelationMany to the classes collection.

import { Schema as S } from '@triplit/client';
const schema = {
  departments: {
    schema: S.Schema({
      id: S.Id(),
      name: S.String(),
      classes: S.RelationMany('classes', {
        where: [['department_id', '=', '$id']],
  classes: {
    schema: S.Schema({
      id: S.Id(),
      name: S.String(),
      level: S.Number(),
      building: S.String(),
      department_id: S.String(),


A RelationOne attribute will be an Entity or null. It's designed to model a one-to-one relationship between two collections. The RelationOne attribute will be the related entity or null if no related entity is found.

We can update our model of a school, so that a class has a relation to its department.

import { Schema as S } from '@triplit/client';
const schema = {
  departments: {
    schema: S.Schema({
      id: S.Id(),
      name: S.String(),
      classes: S.RelationMany('classes', {
        where: [['department_id', '=', '$id']],
  classes: {
    schema: S.Schema({
      id: S.Id(),
      name: S.String(),
      level: S.Number(),
      building: S.String(),
      department_id: S.String(),
      department: S.RelationOne('departments', {
        where: [['id', '=', '$department_id']],


RelationById is a special case of RelationOne that is used to define a relationship by a foreign key. The RelationById attribute will be the related entity or null if no related entity is found.

We can update the previous example to use RelationById instead of RelationOne.

import { Schema as S } from '@triplit/client';
const schema = {
  departments: {
    schema: S.Schema({
      id: S.Id(),
      name: S.String(),
      classes: S.RelationMany('classes', {
        where: [['department_id', '=', '$id']],
  classes: {
    schema: S.Schema({
      id: S.Id(),
      name: S.String(),
      level: S.Number(),
      building: S.String(),
      department_id: S.String(),
      department: S.RelationById('departments', '$department_id'),

Querying collections with relations

By default, queries on collections with relations will not return related data. You can use the include method to specify which relations you want to include in the query.

const classesQuery = client.query('classes').include('department');
const departmentsQuery = client.query('departments').include('classes');

Defining relations with referential variables