
Authentication and Authorization


Many apps require a way to authenticate users. Triplit is configured to look for certain variables to determine who is making a request. This information is then used to inform the authorization process.

Authentication itself should be handled by an authentication service outside of Triplit. This could be a third-party service like Auth0 (opens in a new tab), Firebase Auth (opens in a new tab), AWS Cognito (opens in a new tab), Supabase Auth (opens in a new tab), etc or a custom service built by your team. The authentication service should provide a way to generate a token with Triplit specific claims that can be used to identify the user.

A token must have the following claims:

  • x-triplit-user-id: The user's unique identifier
  • x-triplit-project-id: The project's unique identifier
  • x-triplit-token-type: 'external'

With these claims, Triplit can assign the special variable $session.SESSION_USER_ID in its queries, which can be used to filter data based on the user making the request.


Triplit allows you to define rules on your collections that determine who can read and write data. These rules are defined in the rules property of your collection's schema.

Rules are defined as filter clauses that are applied to a query's result. For example, a write rule [['author', '=', '$session.SESSION_USER_ID']] on a collection todos would only allow users to assign themselves as the author of a todo.

Rules can be defined in your schema or in your project's Dashboard (opens in a new tab) (coming soon).